Fresh footsteps

It is good to find new places in which to paddle, and I’ve recently managed to dip my toes into completely fresh water. The Telegraph approached my publisher to see if I might be interested in writing a piece on ‘Great River Walks’ – Erm, yes please! The article proved to be tricky to research,Continue reading “Fresh footsteps”

Campion-ing the Cause….

I have really enjoyed writing a monthly column for BBC CountryFile Magazine, not least because of the amount of things I have learned. Research can become lazy in the internet age, but digging around old books and then cross referencing with online resources can be fascinating. In the June edition, for Flower of the Month,Continue reading “Campion-ing the Cause….”

New Year

After a damn good knees up at the winter solstice, the Ancient Celts would return to their homes and hope to last beyond the forthcoming ‘Famine Months’. Spring would have seemed a long way away, and with food and fuel dwindling, late winter would see a dramatic increase of disease and starvation. The first ofContinue reading “New Year”

Weekend Work

Its never good to work weekends. I’ve had plenty of jobs over the years that have necessitated such hours, and while Saturday mornings in a record shop could almost be fun, working the supermarket freezers until midnight was pretty soul destroying. I’ve had a steady run of weekends on of late, though it seems slightlyContinue reading “Weekend Work”

Trumpet Blowing

A month has passed since publication day and its very much a case of so far, so good for Rivers Run. Sales have been solid, book shops have been ever so generous with their product placement (testament to the design team at Rider) and, most importantly, people seem to be enjoying it. Aside from theContinue reading “Trumpet Blowing”

Read all about it!

I’ve just finished going through the proofs for Rivers Run – and it is looking pretty darn good. Rider have made a lovely job of it – the typeset seems to work well and the layout is uncomplicated and contemporary. All being well, I won’t be looking at the text again until I have aContinue reading “Read all about it!”

Coming up for Air….

I couldn’t have picked a better summer to spend sitting on my backside staring at a screen. With a book deadline looming I knuckled down and have spent every day of the last six or seven weeks embroiled. It was worth it – I hope – and the manuscript for Rivers Run is now sittingContinue reading “Coming up for Air….”

Old and New

Apologies for the trumpet blowing, but needs must….! There is a rather nice review of The Idle Angler in the latest edition of Salmo Trutta, the annual journal of the Wild Trout Trust. Thank you very much to the reviewer! Also, this week sees the release of Issue 3 of Fallon’s angler – and itContinue reading “Old and New”